While many wealth managers have been able to grow assets under management, generating a sound return on those assets remains a challenge, in part due to an ineffective content strategy, Adviscent CEO Thomas Bosshard told finews.asia.

Especially in a risk-off market environment, client engagement is becoming increasingly important for wealth managers to achieve the status of trusted advisor.

This engagement process can take as long as 12 to 24 months, Adviscent CEO Thomas Bosshard said during a conversation at the Singapore Fintech Festival with finews.asia, which makes the ability to provide meaningful content in a scalable fashion an indispensable factor. Key to achieving this is the ability to generate and distribute content effectively.

Traditional Approach

While there is hardly a lack of content generated by wealth managers ranging from investment advice, market outlooks, economic analyses and beyond, real business value from generating such content remains subpar.

According to Bosshard, this is due to the usage of conventional tools which results in long turnaround times to generate reports and other content. And even for those that are able to operate efficiently, Bosshard notes that indiscriminate distribution of content may not only fail to drive business but has the potential to disengage bombarded clients

Content Efficiency

At Adviscent, its offering of content-related solutions aims to address such issues with a number of tools that leverage new technologies.

On content generation, its offering support analysts to write reports more efficiently, cutting the time required by 30-50 percent. And on customizing content distribution, it uses algorithmic rules and machine learning systems for curation with an estimated tripling of client touch points.

«The more, the deeper we integrate into a client platform, the more we know about their client, the more we can feed the right content recommendations,» Bosshard said, claiming that his offering can boost assets under management and return on assets (ROAs) by over 10 percent and 10 basis points, respectively.

Swiss Clients in Singapore

Founded in 2010 in Switzerland, Adviscent is now seeking international expansion into Asia via Singapore. While it currently has no Asia-based partners, the firm notes that it has Swiss partners such as Avaloq, Additiv, Temenos to support the next steps.

«They have good capabilities, but there is a lack of technology that supports these teams in different sectors,» Bosshard said. The firm also has a base of over ten clients, including Julius Bar, Credit Suisse, VP Bank and LGT.

finews.asia is a supporting media partner of the Singapore Fintech Festival.