More charges have been issued to one of the 10 arrested in Singapore’s largest money laundering case.

Zhang Ruijin, one of the 10 arrested in Singapore’s $2.2 billion money laundering scandal, faces five more charges, according to a «Straits Times» report citing court proceedings.

One of the charges involves the alleged use of a forged document to cheat Standard Chartered. The four other charges involve alleged possession of HK$208 million ($27 million) which represents benefits of criminal conduct.

Total Charges

In total, Zhang, 45, was issued eight charges with three others handed in August 2023 involving forged documents to cheat Malaysia-headquartered CIMB Bank. He was first arrested with his lover Lin Baoying.

Thus far, three of the 10 arrested individuals – Su Wenqiang, Su Haijin and Wang Baosen – have been convicted and pleaded guilty over various charges including money laundering. A sum of 40 months in jail time has been sentenced to the three.