mirjam staub bisang

Mirjam Staub-Bisang, head of Switzerland, BlackRock

«The Culture Map» by Erin Meyer

What it is:

«The Culture Map» describes the specific differences between cultures and how they deal with them, especially in terms of communication and work. Renowned INSEAD professor Erin Meyer interprets the results of her extensive research into cultural differences of nearly 340 countries and groups them by eight different criteria including communication, leadership and decision-making behavior. She shows how what is accepted as appropriate behavior or common sense in one culture may differ vastly from what a different culture expects. This is illustrated with countless very descriptive examples. 

the culture mapWhy I recommend it:

«I love non-fiction books, and this one is written in a divinely amusing style. In a globalized world, the subject matter is especially relevant for people who work in global teams or deal with clients and suppliers around the world. The book helps to better interpret, for example, verbal feedback from client presentations in different cultures and adapt accordingly. It also makes the reader aware of cultural differences in human interaction, such as in pauses between speaking: Erin Meyer's research shows that Swiss people feel the need to fill up silence after five seconds, while Italians jump in after just three. In contrast, Japanese speakers can easily let half a minute of silence pass in conversations.»