A prickly scenario develops when the boss and an underling fall in love – the possible outcome is well illustrated by the Vincenz-Cerregato case. The revelation, at least at Swiss banks, must be made to the superior of the highest ranking of the pair.
Choosing the right time to reveal a romantic liaison is even more critical in this scenario. Getting involved with the boss will almost certainly lead to a reassignment. If one confesses too early, and the relationship breaks up, one of the parties could be stuck in another, worse job. Waiting too long, however, runs the risk of raising the impression of favoritism.
3. Any Advantages?
Especially in the financial sector, work forms an important part of life. The more common interests, the smaller the risk of getting stuck in an awkward silence, even on the 100th date.
Working together also offers advantages to people with a good work-life-balance. Organizing part-time work can be easier when both partners are dealing with the same boss.
4. How High-Risk?
As the saying goes, one should never put all one’s eggs in one basket. If the entire family income is dependent on the same bank, then the next financial crisis could spell the danger of a total loss of family income.
Not only the job can have an impact on a relationship, there are also risks in the other direction. If there’s a spat at home, it is not easily forgotten when one partner walks around in a bad mood.
And if it comes to a separation, then the common workplace becomes intolerable for some. Still, whoever got transferred within the bank because they fell in love with the boss may end up being in luck: There is enough space between Uetlihof and Paradeplatz to keep out of each other’s way.
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