5. Indulge in Shopping

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(Image: Brittany Colette, Unsplash)

Yay! Shopping! Hold your horses, though; we aren’t talking about buying that really expensive bag you always wanted to buy – we’re referring to fitness shopping. Buy a nice pair of running shoes or fancy gym wear, something you’ll be happy to use every day. This way, you will be motivated to get up every morning and go for a walk not only to remain fit but also to use your new gear! Long live retail therapy! Don’t forget to use a shopping credit card to get the most out of your fitness shopping!

6. Download an App

There are loads of apps that help maintain a daily routine. Download one of them and you will have some accountability regarding your fitness activities. Specific fitness apps also tell you how many calories you burnt after a workout session and encourage you to outperform yourself every day. Now, who doesn’t love some motivation?