AIA Announces New Board Appointments

Hong Kong-headquartered insurer AIA has announced the appointment of two new independent non-executive directors.

AIA has appointed Mari Elka Pangestu and Ong Chong Tee as independent non-executive directors (INED) and members of the insurer's nomination committee, according to a statement.

Pangestu, 66, was recently the World Bank’s managing director of development policy and partnerships and currently serves as a professor of international economics at the University of Indonesia, an adjunct senior research scholar at Columbia University and a professor at the University of Prasetiya Mulya.

Ong, 61, is the chairman of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority in Singapore. He has 35 years of experience with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in the areas of reserve management, monetary policy, investment management, financial development and financial supervision.

In addition, AIA INED Swee-Lian Teo will retire, effective September 1, and cease to be the chairman of the risk committee and a nomination committee member. Chow Chung-Kong, has been appointed as risk committee chairman, effective September 1.