In the final installment of a three-part interview, the real-life «Wolf of Wall Street» tells what he can teach Swiss bankers and why he voted for Donald Trump.

Jordan Belfort granted an exclusive interview ahead of an appearance in Switzerland in May. Born with the gift of gab and with a childhood desire to get rich, he spoke at length about his Queens upbringing, why he voted for Donald Trump, how he was corrupted by Wall Street’s endemic greed, how he smelled corruption surrounding 1MDB, which allegedly bankrolled the blockbuster movie based on his book, and how he lives now. Excerpts of the interview, which has been edited to remove some, but not all, profanity, will be published in three parts; click here for the first installment and here for the second.

Jordan Belfort, Swiss bankers don’t come away very well in your book. What do you hope to teach them when you visit Zurich?

I’m not here to talk about the market, I’m here to talk about sales training. I wouldn’t try to tell them how to bank in terms of actual banking, I’m here to talk to them about sales and influence. That’s the beauty in what I do: I can go into any industry, any business, and my niche is additive to anything.

I’m not here to tell you how to be a better banker; I’ll tell you how to get rapport with your clients, how to essentially persuade them to give you more assets so you can ethically invest them. I’m very big on ethics and stuff like that. So the stuff I teach is very important to anybody.

You predicted the fall of banking secrecy in your book, which was published in 2007, long before it happened.

People thought I was full of shit when I wrote that! People were like, ‚you’re exaggerating.‘ No more secrecy? That’s why, all of a sudden influence and persuasion becomes a lot more important.

«I always had a lot of respect for the Swiss»

Because you don’t have the overriding trump card, which is ‚I’ll just hide your money with impunity.‘ I always had a lot of respect for the Swiss people, they were very civilized. Very controlled.

What else do you associate with Switzerland?

If I ever had a man-crush, it was on a Swiss person: Roger Federer. I’m a huge fan, my wife says ‚you’re in love with Roger Federer.‘ I love tennis and I think Federer’s amazing, I play tennis all the time, he’s an inspiration in a lot of ways, how he leads his life. Him and Raphael Nadal, have they ever had a misstep? They are elegant champions and you don’t see a lot of that, even Novak Djokovic doesn’t have that. So that’s why I love Switzerland.

You told me you thought Donald Trump was a joke at first, when your fiance and business partner, Anne Koppe, was supporting him. Why do you support him now?

The more the press bashed him, the more I liked him. It had a reverse effect on me and on a lot of people, and I started to really become very anti-media.

There is something wrong with the country when the press is no longer the press. The press has special rights and privileges, and the reason they have them under the First Amendment is that they are there to inform. An informed populace is a populace that can vote right and run the country.

«I was obscenely upset»

When they abandon that right, it just becomes crazy. I was obscenely upset. I was so upset about what happened that I started saying, if he (Trump) doesn’t win this election, this country is going to shit.

Jordan Belfort tennis 500

Of all his insanity that he might have, I just need someone to go in there and shake things up and stop what’s something wrong in there, and that’s where I stood.

I’m a liberal at heart and my social views are liberal: abortion and stuff like that. I’m against immigration because of the terrorist stuff, but I’m from a liberal family. Things like abortion: not that I’m pro, but I believe a woman should have the right to do what she wants to do.

«The more I researched, the more I became very pro-Trump»

Anyway, I really started to research, I started to get very upset about it, and then I became very pro-Trump because of that. And then when I saw what happened after he won, I was like ‚this country is worse that I thought!‘ There’s obviously such a problem with the liberals, I’d never seen anything like it.