Ant Group Takes Control of Payments Player 2C2P

Ant Group to become the majority shareholder of payments platform 2C2P, boosting its footprint in Southeast Asia.

Under the planned tie-up, Ant Group’s fully-owned unit Alipay+ will be linked with 2C2P’s pool of merchants, extending the current range of payment options, the two companies said in a press release Monday.

2C2P is a Singapore-based payment platform, although it has a presence in Thailand and Malaysia. It offers payment acceptance, pay-out, and other services.

Alipay+ provides global cross-border digital payments and marketing services for processing mobile payment methods and supports various forms of e-wallets internationally, including Malaysia's Touch ‘n Go in Malaysia, South Korea's KakaoPay, GCash in the Philippines and Alipay HK (Hong Kong).