3. Networking

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Networking might your be your top choice of skill. Some people dread its awkwardness while others dread that it drains both your time and your mental capacity. Plus, who wants to make small talk with another stranger when your calendar is packed with things to do?

But here’s why networking is important and how it can help you find success in life. Humans are relational beings. Every one of us wants to feel connected to each other. Networking creates an opportunity for you to kick-start a nurturing long-term relationship with a stranger. You never know when you might meet with a potential lifelong friend who will stick by you.

Trust Your Friend

From a career perspective, networking helps you open doors to career development opportunities. When there is an opening at a company, you can trust your friend whom you are in touch with to give you a shot at the job. You might even skip a few rounds of interviews if your networking skill is superb!