Following a tie between six countries in early 2024, Henley & Partners’ latest passport rankings show one Asian hub breaking away and taking the top rank.

According to Henley & Partners’ latest «Henley Passport Index», Singapore took the top spot as the most powerful passport with a record score, allowing visa-free access to 195 out of 227 travel destinations around the world. With visa-free access to 192 destinations, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain tied for second place. Rival hub Hong Kong was ranked 18th with 170 visa-free destinations. 

The index is based on exclusive and official data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA). 

Biggest Climber

In terms of ranking change, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recorded the largest climb from 2014 to 2024, rising from 55th to 9th. It currently boasts visa-free access to 185 destinations.

«The UAE stands as a shining example of what can be achieved through a focused and strategic approach to enhancing passport power,» said Henley & Partners CEO Dr. Juerg Steffen in a commentary. «This meteoric rise is not a matter of chance but the result of deliberate and concerted efforts by the Emirati government to forge strong diplomatic ties and negotiate favorable visa waiver agreements.»