US to Europe: The Great Migration Boom of America’s Wealthiest

Wealthy Americans leave the US in record numbers, seeking investment migration opportunities abroad. What’s behind this exodus? spoke to experts and analyzed exclusive data to uncover key drivers, preferred destinations, and the role politics plays in the trend. Meanwhile, the US is considering launching a «golden visa».

A couple of weeks ago, published an article on the growing trend of wealthy Americans seeking investment migration abroad. The level of engagement – ranging from direct feedback to an influx of reader inquiries – was striking, signaling that the issue resonates deeply with many.

The volume of reactions, comments, and requests for further insights made one thing clear: this is not just an anecdotal phenomenon but a structural shift worthy of deeper exploration.

Exploring Avenues

Investment migration has long been a niche domain, primarily associated with high-net-worth individuals in regions marked by political instability or economic uncertainty. That Americans – traditionally among the most stable, globally dominant citizens – are now exploring these avenues in record numbers raises significant questions.

What is fueling this unprecedented wave of interest? Is it a passing reaction to political events, or are deeper factors at play? And where, exactly, are these affluent emigrants headed?

Structural Shift

To better understand the underlying market dynamics, reached out to leading industry experts, gathered additional data, and analyzed the latest trends shaping this shift. What emerged is a complex but compelling picture of a changing global landscape, one where Americans are no longer just hosts of international migrants but increasingly among those seeking new homes abroad.

What is driving this appetite for emigration? Which are the key destinations attracting American wealth? And what are the broader implications of this shift on the investment migration industry?

Dramatic Surge in U.S. Demand

A logical first step in our investigation was to speak with Henley & Partners, the world’s leading investment migration consultancy, whose research has been at the forefront of the industry.

Given the firm’s extensive dealings with US clients, we reached out to Basil Mohr Elzeki, Managing Partner for North America at Henley & Partners, to gain direct insights into the scope and scale of American interest in investment migration.

According to Henley & Partners' latest research, the surge in demand from US nationals has been nothing short of dramatic. Mohr Elzeki confirmed: «Comparing 2024 US-American client numbers to five years ago (2019), there has been a staggering increase of over 1,000 percent.» In 2024 alone, U.S. nationals accounted for 23 percent of all applications processed, marking a record high.

Read on the next page about the reasons why Americans are leaving the US and what their favorite emigration destinations are.