Julius Baer Banker Involved in Arms Deals?

Swiss police have searched the premises of Ruag, the state-controlled armament producer. The authorities are investigating secret arms deals, in which a Julius Baer banker is said to be involved.

The office of the Swiss attorney general has searched the premises of Ruag on Thursday, confiscating mediums to save information. The authority confirmed the action against Ruag according to a report by «Handelszeitung» (story in German language).

The police are investigating allegations of secret arms deals and possibly also the payment of briberies. The goods involved in the deals are equipment for helicopters, Sig-Sauer handguns and sniper rifles for Vladimir Putin’s personal security guard.

Whistleblower at Ruag

The investigation reportedly was prompted by a whistleblower working for Ruag. The people involved in the probe are a manager at Ruag and the head of office in Moscow of Julius Baer private bank. At the time when the deals started, the banker had still been employed by VP Bank of Liechtenstein, according to the report.

The two managers seem to have made the deals in person and behind the backs of their employers. Also, they are said to have received fees worth millions of Swiss francs.

Julius Baer to Probe Allegations

Which prompted the Russian government to take note as well: the anti-corruption body of the Russian interior ministry questioned the banker for a first time in February.

A Julius Baer spokesman told «Handelszeitung» that it had taken note of the allegations and that it was investigating them. Ruag also is cooperating fully with the authorities.