A former currency strategist at DWS has joined Deutsche Bank’s private banking arm as its regional chief investment officer.

Stefanie Holtze-Jen joins Deutsche Bank’s international private bank (IPB) unit as its chief investment officer (CIO) for Asia Pacific, according to a statement.

Based in Singapore, Holtze-Jen reports to global CIO Christian Nolting as well as Rajesh Mahadevan, head capital markets and CIO & investment solutions, APAC.

Holtze-Jen has 22 years of international experience at global banks and leading asset managers, most recently at DWS where she was its global chief currency strategist, portfolio manager. Previously, she also held leadership roles at Commerzbank AG and Royal Bank of Canada in Hong Kong, Singapore and London. 

«[Holtze-Jen] possesses a detailed grasp of market dynamics and drivers, with expertise in major currency pairings and Asian markets,» said Nolting. «We are confident that [she] is uniquely positioned to build on the continued success of our business, and to achieve further growth in Asia Pacific.»