Julian Assange is a free man after 12 years of embassy asylum and prison. To some, he is a hero and martyr fighting for democracy and press freedom; to others, he is a dangerous traitor. His story, and that of the Wikileaks platform, is closely intertwined with Bitcoin.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has pleaded guilty to one charge in a U.S. court on the island of Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands, a US overseas territory. Now he is a free man and has since arrived in his homeland of Australia.

As reported by «BTC-Echo», the story of Assange and Wikileaks is closely linked to the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. In 2010, Assange released a flood of military documents through the platform, which had been provided to him by analyst Bradley Edward Manning (now Chelsea Manning). These documents revealed numerous human rights violations by the US Army in Iraq and Afghanistan, sparking a storm of sanctions, including financial ones.

By 2013, all of Assange's accounts and credit cards were frozen. The rescue came in the form of Bitcoin. Only through the cryptocurrency was the whistleblower platform able to continue operating.

Bitcoin Inventor Feared Stirring a Hornet's Nest

Along with the media storm that ensued, Bitcoin was reported on for the first time outside of geek media. Just months later, the figure of Satoshi Nakamoto, who is considered the inventor of the cryptocurrency, disappeared without a trace.

To this day, it is not definitively clear who or how many people are behind the name. «It would have been nice to get this attention in another context,» reads one of Nakamoto's last posts. «WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet's nest, and the swarm is headed towards us.»

Assange was also an early fan of Bitcoin. He saw a connection between the artificial currency and his ideology that civil society must organize itself outside and apart from existing structures. «Bitcoin is a revolution,» he wrote in 2011. The cryptocurrency is the «true Occupy Wall Street» and one of the most interesting developments on the internet.

Preferred Donation Currency

From then on, Wikileaks preferred to collect donations in Bitcoin. These played a significant role in the years-long tug-of-war over Assange's fate. According to a report by the British «The Times», Wikileaks benefited from the strong increase in Bitcoin value in recent years.

For his chartered flight journey, which will take him from London via a stopover in Bangkok and Saipan to his homeland of Australia, Assange will owe the Australian government $520,000, his wife Stella Assange said on social media. A crowdfunding platform has been set up for that goal.

According to the internet platform «Bitcoin.com», a single donor has now transferred 8 Bitcoin to support him. This corresponds to around $491,000.