7. Hong Kong: A Small Boat in Boiling Sea

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(Image: Shutterstock)

Somehow, quite a few Chinese entrepreneurs are concerned about Hong Kong. With bank accounts, real estate, trading companies, and wine collection in the city, they would hate to see Hong Kong embroiled in the China-U.S. trade row.

Some think Hong Kong and its free port status could be taken as a hostage; some think the hardening talk on sovereignty could squeeze Hong Kong’s flexibility; a few paranoid are even questioning the viability of the currency peg, which has underpinned Hong Kong as a global financial center.

Interestingly, the language barrier and time zone difference related to Geneva, Monaco, and Luxemburg are becoming less of a problem when Chinese entrepreneurs compare them with Hong Kong as booking centers or locations of family trusts.

8. Silver Lining: Too Early to Tell?

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(Image: Shutterstock)

Some Chinese entrepreneurs are die-hard optimists. They say the trade war could be the catalyst for the better, because the «outrageous» U.S. demands (like cutting back subsidies to state-sponsored entities, opening restricted sectors to foreign capitals, increasing protection of intellectual properties), if accepted and implemented, could benefit China’s private capital as well.

«This guy with coarse language and funny hair could be a Deng Xiaoping* in disguise,» a Chinese entrepreneur wondered. A ludicrous suggestion, surely?

*Deng Xiaoping (pictured above) is the late supreme leader of China who launched the «Reform and Opening Up» in 1978 and transformed China from a closed country into a global economic powerhouse.

 This list was compiled in cooperation with a multi-family office which requested its name be withheld from publishing.