The Singapore-based senior executive will join the board of the non-profit association domiciled in Zurich, Switzerland, which focuses on developments in the securities market and serves as a forum for securities operations professionals.

The International Securities Services Association (ISSA) has elected Margaret Harwood-Jones, Standard Chartered co-head of Fiancing and Securities Services, to its board of directors, according to a press release on Friday.

«One of Standard Chartered’s strengths, which is also a unique addition to ISSA, is the presence of its securities services business across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, where we are seeing rapid transformation and opportunities,» ISSA chairman Lee Waite said about the appointment.

Founded in 1975, ISSA has over 120 member institutions, including custodian banks, clearing organizations, central depositories, stock exchanges, brokers and asset managers in about 50 countries.

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Harwood-Jones has spent the past three decades in the financial services sector, with the bulk of her career in the securities services industry.

She joined Standard Chartered in 2013 and last week, she was named co-head of its new Financing and Securities Services unit, alongside Emmanuel Ramambason. The unit brings together Securities Services, which was previously under Transaction Banking, and Portfolio Risk Management in the Financial Markets business.