The Canadian-based insurer touts its range of services for high-net-worth clients in Hong Kong. 

As has extensively reported, the family office space is beginning to heat up in Hong Kong, something that seems to have prompted Sun Life to jump in, a release issued on Wednesday by the insurer indicates.

Given the strong interest currently, it has created a so-called ecosystem for potential high-net-worth clients around the themes of health, enhancement, and value creation. 

High-Quality Care

More concretely, it signifies a partnership with the HealthMutual Group to build a high-end medical network providing access to high-quality private hospitals in Hong Kong and mainland China.

As part of that, it is also introducing a health platform that provides family concierge services including health seminars by doctors and nutritionists.

Certificate Courses

The theme of enhancement involves launching family office certificate courses together with the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.

That foresees it inviting institutions, fund companies, entrepreneurs, and local family businesses to provide education and training on various subjects related to trusts, wills, corporate insurance, and tax regulations in different jurisdictions.

Value-Added Services

The value creation part of the wider ecosystem involves Sun Life’s suite of savings, life, and investment-linked insurance products that help address client issues related to trust, tax, and legal matters.

«Exclusive plans are tailored for Clients with value-added service referrals provided according to their needs, helping Clients effectively preserve, accumulate, increase and pass on their assets,» the statement indicated.