The number of females in board positions at listed companies in Asia Pacific continued to increase in 2024, according to a report by MSCI.
Female representation on the boards of listed companies continued to rise last year, according to MSCI’s «Women on Boards Progress and Beyond Progress Report 2024».
In 2024, women held 27.3 percent of board seats at publicly listed large and mid-cap companies on MSCI ACWI Index, up 1.5 percentage points from the previous year. 46.2 percent of firms had at least 30 percent female directors.
Regional Developments
In APAC, 19.3 percent of board seats were held by women in 2024, compared to 18.2 percent in 2023. Hong Kong and Singapore saw the most significant drop of all-male boards with an 8.8 percent decrease and 8.3 percent decrease, respectively.
«APAC, a diverse region that encompasses both developed and emerging markets, continued to move toward increased gender diversity, particularly in reducing the number of all-male boards,» commented Moeko Porter, APAC corporate governance research lead at MSCI.