Goldman Sachs appoints a new co-head of China, has learned, as part of its ongoing mainland expansion.

E.G. Morse was named the co-head of Goldman Sachs China, according to an internal memo seen by, and he will relocate from Singapore to Shanghai for the new role.

Morse will join Wei Cai, co-head of China investment banking division (IBD) and global vice chairman of IBD, as well as Sean Fan, co-head of China IBD. Together, they are expected to lead the business, with Wei also taking on a newly created role of head of China's global markets.

Morse is currently the head of Goldman Sachs Singapore and the head of Asia Pacific ex-Japan fixed income, currencies and commodities sales. He joined Goldman in 2008 before being named managing director in 2009 and partner in 2016.

Singapore Reshuffle
As part of the reshuffle, the bank also named James Ellery and Faisal Shamsee as the co-heads of Goldman Sachs Singapore as part of which they will jointly chair the Singapore leadership group.

Ellery, who joined the bank as a partner in 2015, is currently the head of global currencies and emerging markets in APAC, which is part of the global markets division. He will relocate from Hong Kong to Singapore for the new role.

Shamsee is the head of Singapore engineering and co-head of core engineering in APAC. He joined Goldman in 2002 as an analyst and was named managing director in 2017.

A spokesperson for the bank confirmed the contents of the memo.