GFCI: Hong Kong Widens Financial Hub Lead

Within Asia, Hong Kong not only retained its position as the region’s top financial center but widened its lead, according to an index that ranks global hubs.

Hong Kong was ranked as the world’s third best financial center and Asia Pacific’s leader, according to the latest edition of the Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI) published by think tanks Z/Yen Group in London and the China Development Institute in Shenzhen.

While the city’s rank remain unchanged, its rating improved by 11 points. Singapore’s ranking was also unchanged at fourth place with a rating increase of 3 points.

Global Ranking

Globally, New York kept the throne with a rating boost of 6 points, followed by London which saw a 12-point increase. San Francisco rounded out the top five with its rating up by 7 points.

The semi-annual GFCI rates 119 financial centers worldwide based on 140 factors alongside assessments by 4,946 respondents via a questionnaire.