Outgoing DBS CEO Piyush Gupta’s pay for 2024 rose in a record profit year for the Singapore lender.
DBS CEO Piyush Gupta’s total pay in 2024 was S$17.6 million ($13.2 million), according to the bank’s annual report. In addition to a salary of S$1.5 million, the package also included a cash bonus of S$6.6 million and a deferred award of S$9.4 million.
This was rewarded on the back of a record net profit of S$11.4 billion for the year. According to the bank, it delivered a «stellar all-round performance, as well as its improved technology resiliency», resulting in a higher appraisal by the board.
The pay in 2024 marks a 57 percent surge compared to S$11.2 million in 2023 when Gupta’s pay was reduced by 27 percent in response to senior management accountability for digital disruptions.