The private banking arm of OCBC has formed an investment advisory council made up of experts from think tanks and asset managers worldwide.

Bank of Singapore has established an independent investment advisory council to strengthen its overall research capabilities and develop relevant insights for clients, according to a statement.

«Building intellectual capital is a key part of the bank’s strategy to become the top private bank in Asia,» said Jean Chia, global chief investment officer (CIO), Bank of Singapore. «In today’s knowledge-driven economy, we are enhancing our competitive advantage by investing in research capabilities, which includes convening this global advisory council that complements our in-house insights.»

Eight Members

The «Bank of Singapore Chief Investment Office Global Advisory Council» will be made up of eight experts from top think tanks and asset managers around the world.

They include: Belinda Boa, head of APAC active investments and CIO of emerging markets, BlackRock; Ken Caplan, global Co-CIO, Blackstone; Fabiana Fedeli, CIO, equities, multi-asset and sustainability, M&G Investments; Robin Hu, Asia chair, Milken Institute and advisor senior director, Temasek; Stewart James, co-head, office of government affairs APAC, Goldman Sachs; Yuichi Murao, CIO, Nomura Asset Management; Adam Posen, president, Peterson Institute for International Economics; and Paula Campbell Roberts, chief investment strategist for global wealth, KKR. 

Chief Investment Office

Bank of Singapore’s chief investment office is responsible for setting the asset allocation framework, investment views and securities research. The bank’s advisory and discretionary portfolio management teams manage client assets in alignment with its return expectations and risk appetite.

Since January 2024, the chief investment office has been a standalone unit reporting directly to Bank of Singapore CEO Jason Moo. The unit has also seen technological upgrades to enhance client experience through portfolio analysis and portfolio construction capabilities.